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Audit ako politická technológia

Akademik:Mgr. Ľubica Kobová, MA, PhD.
Typ príspevku:príspevok v zborníkoch z medzinárodných konferencií
Anotácia:The paper studies the logic of audit as a political technology that strategically governs the conduct of organizations and individuals.
Popis:Kobová, Ľ. (2009). Audit ako politická technológia. In R. Karul & M. Porubjak (Eds.), Realita a fikcia : zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie v rámci 9. výročného stretnutia SFZ pri SAV (pp. 428-433). Bratislava: SFZ pri SAV a KF FF UCM. The paper studies the logic of audit as a political technology that strategically governs the conduct of organizations and individuals. Audit is not an innocent administrative practice, but an instrument of new forms of governance and power. It can be studied as a technique of late-Foucaultian governmentality. The paper identifies audits in higher education system in Slovakia and focuses on one of them – The evaluation of higher education institutions’ annual reports – carried out by the Slovak Governance Institute in 2008. By the means of critical discourse analysis of the discourse surrounding publishing of the evaluation the paper identifies the conditions of emerging audit culture, its epistemological and politicaL preconditions. The paper argues for broadening the interest of political philosophers/theorists into studies of governmentality.
Rok vydania:2009
Autor:Mgr. Ľubica Kobová, MA
Inštitúcia:Filozofická fakulta UK
Vydavateľ:SFZ pri SAV a KF FF UCM
Pridané do repozitára:20. 7. 2010
Posledná zmena:22. 10. 2024
Jazyk:slovenský (sk)
Počet strán:6
Vedný odbor: Systematická filozofia
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