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Regional Elections in Slovakia – a New Reformation of the Slovak Political Scene?

Akademik:Mgr. Juraj Marušiak, PhD.
Typ príspevku:príspevok v zahraničnom časopise
Anotácia:The aim of the present study is to analyse the events and results of the elections to bodies of regional self-governments in Slovakia in November 2017. The elections were held under the conditions of the amended legislation after the abolition of the two-tier election system of the presidents of the regions. The study analyses the process of forming pre-election coalitions and the mobilisation of voters. Although the strongest body of the ruling coalition, Direction – Social Democracy Party, obtained the highest number of seats, there was a marked drop in voter participation. The regional elections of 2017 signalled, in contrast, the consolidation of the right-wing opposition (SaS, OĽaNO, and KDH), whose agenda contains elements of anti-European and anti-party populism.
Popis:Marušiak, Juraj: Regional Elections in Slovakia – a New Reformation of the Slovak Political Scene? Contemporary European Studies, vol. XIII., issue 1, pp. 25-46
Rok vydania:2018
Autor:Mgr. Juraj Marušiak, PhD.
Inštitúcia:Ústav politických vied SAV
Pridané do repozitára:14. 7. 2018
Posledná zmena:22. 10. 2024
Jazyk:anglický (en)
Počet strán:22
Vedný odbor: Porovnávacia politológia, Humánna geografia, Regionálna geografia, Politická geografia, Demogeografia a demografia, Politológia
Názov súboru:regional-elections-in-slovakia-a-new-reformation-of-the-slovak-political-scene.pdf
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