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Czech Pension Reform: Will It Go Fundamental?

Akademik:Mgr. Ivan Lesay, MA., PhD.
Typ príspevku:publikácia
Anotácia:Publikácia analyzuje českú dôchodkovú reformu a jej perspektívy.
Popis:This paper analyses the Czech pension reform and its prospects. Unlike most of the other CEE countries, the Czech Republic still keeps its mandatory pension scheme exclusively PAYG-based. However, it is highly likely that the Czech government—no matter what political affiliation—will reform the scheme more or less fundamentally in the following years. The aim of this paper is to assess the future prospects of the Czech pension reform in terms of how fundamental it can go, why, and what are the possible risks of such a move.
Rok vydania:2007
Autor:Ivan Lesay
Inštitúcia:Ekonomický ústav SAV
Vydavateľ:Trast pro ekonomiku a společnost
Pridané do repozitára:15. 2. 2009
Posledná zmena:19. 7. 2024
Jazyk:anglický (en)
Počet strán:28
Vedný odbor: Spoločenské vedy, Verejná ekonomika a služby
Názov súboru:czech-pension-reform-will-it-go-fundamental.pdf
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